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Startup Options

  1. JMap NG Core
    1. Core options
    2. Core Map options
  2. JMap NG App

You can provide startup options to the JMap NG Core library or the JMap NG App.

Those options let you customize the behaviour of JMap NG at startup.

You can pass those options as URL parameters:

Or pass them as a JS object, through a globally scoped JS variable named JMAP_OPTIONS, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.JMAP_OPTIONS = {
    projectId: 1,
    restBaseUrl: "",
    anonymous: true,
    map: {
      containerId: "my-custom-map",
      zoom: 9.757829447748511,
      center: {
        x: -73.60243569463414,
        y: 45.504533166207324
      scaleControlVisible: true,
      scaleControlPosition: "top-right"

All options are available as JS parameters, and some are also available as URL parameters. All URL query parameters are prefixed with “ng”, to avoid naming collisions with eventual third-party query parameters (especially true if JMap NG is embeded in a div for instance).

JMap NG Core

The following tables present the list of JMap NG Core library’s startup options:

Core options

Option Description JavaScript Example URL Parameter Example Value
Login as anonymous user If true, the lib will try to log in as an anonymous user. (api doc) anonymous: true ngAnonymous=true true | false
Default Basemap Id If set, will use the basemap id as default basemap when loading a project. Using “none” will disable any default basemap.(api doc) defaultBasemapId: “mapbox-satellite-streets” ngDefaultBasemapId=mapbox-satellite-streets string
Disable Basemaps If true, no basemap will be available/displayed. In JMap NG App, no basemap panel will be displayed in the left panel. (api doc) disableBasemaps: true ngDisableBasemaps=
true | false
Disable project change If true, changing project (after one has been loaded) will be disabled. (api doc) disableProjectChange: true ngDisableProjectChange=
true | false
Extensions You can provide your own Core extensions. (api doc) {
  extensions: [
- json / javascript
Extensions overrides During the development of a project extension, you can use this option to load your local code instead of the project’s extension’s jsUrl. (api doc) {
  extensionsUrlOverride: [
- json
Enable/Disable Geolocation By default, the geolocation is activated (if the browser supports it). You can disable the geolocation by using this option. (api doc) geolocationEnabled: false ngGeolocationEnabled
true | false
Disable UI visibility If set to true, NG Core will not display a basic UI providing loading progress information, a login form and a project list. By default, this option is disabled in NG App. (api doc) hideMainLayout: true - true | false
Session language If set to any of the locales supported by JMap NG, it will define the session locale, bypassing browser or user-defined locale. (api doc) locale: “en“ ngLocale=fr string
Project thumbnails If true will load all project thumbnails (base 64 images) asynchronously. (api doc) loadProjectThumbnails: true - boolean
Project id Id of the JMap project to open. (api doc) projectId: 12 ngProjectId=12 number
Project name Name of the JMap project to open. If both a project id and a project name are provided, project id will be used. (api doc) projectName: “World“ ngProjectName=The world
url encoded =>
Projects loaded callback You can provide some JS code to be executed when all project definitions have been loaded from the backend. (api doc) onProjectsChange:
(params) => console.log( params.projects )
- javascript function() => void
Rest API URL The Rest API URL of your JMap Server instance. Not used for JMap Cloud. (api doc) restBaseUrl: “http://your-server/services/rest/v2.0“ - string
Session token A JMap session token (aka sessionId). If valid, will be used to identify the user. Not used for JMap Cloud. (api doc) token: “123456789“ ngToken=123456789 number

Core Map options

Map options are gathered in a “map” json object in the javascript configuration.

Option Description JavaScript Example URL Parameter Example Value
Map initial bearing The initial bearing of the map (counterclockwise rotation). (api doc) map: {
 bearing: 90
ngBearing=90 number
Center Will center the map on the specified point. (api doc) map: {
 center: {
   x: 12.4,
   y: 45.34
- json
Html container id You can place the map in the HTML div of your choice by identifying the div in the map parameter. If not set, a div is appended in the body root. (api doc) map: {
 containerId: “my-div“
- string
Extent Will adjust the map to fit the extent. (sw = bbox south-west, ne = bbox north-east) (api doc) map: {
 extent: {
  sw: { x: 12.4, y: 45.34 },
  ne: { x: 24.4, y: 55.34}
url encoded =>
json | string
Rotation control By default, the map rotation control is visible, but can be hidden with this parameter. (api doc) map: {
ControlVisible: true
true | false
Mapbox token If no Mapbox access token is set in the JMap Cloud or JMap Server configuration, you can provide the token as a JS parameter. The Mapbox token is not mandatory, but if you don’t provide one you won’t have access to the Mapbox basemaps. (api doc) map: {
 mapboxToken: “xgb….4f5“
- string
Navigation history control visibility By default, the navigation history control is visible, but can be hidden with this parameter. (api doc) map: {
ControlVisible: true
true | false
Map ready callback This function is triggered only once, the first time the map is loaded. (api doc) map: {
 onStartupMapReadyFn: map => { console.log(“The map is ready“, map) }
- javascript function(map: mapboxgl.Map) => void
Map initial rotation The initial rotation of the map (clockwise rotation). (api doc) map: {
 rotation: 45
ngRotation=45 number
Scale-control position The scale control position on the map. (api doc) map: {
 scaleControlPosition: “bottom-right“
- “top-left” | “top-right” | “bottom-right” | “bottom-left”
Scale-control unit The scale control unit. (api doc) map: {
 scaleControlUnit: “imperial“
- imperial | metric | nautical
Scale-control visibility By default, the scale control is visible, but can be hidden with this parameter. (api doc) map: {
 scaleControlVisible: true
- true | false
Search When the map is loaded, will execute a search by attribute(s) on the layer, and zoom to the matching features. You can search using multiple attribute values by passing an array in the javascript form, or by passing trailing values in the URL form (api doc). An optional parameter lets you specify to display a MouseOver popup on the result feature. This popup wil only be displayed if the showMapPopup parameter is true, and if there is only one result to the search. In the URL form, showMapPopup must be passed as a keyword, and at the beginning of the query string map:{
 search: {
  layerId: 2,
  attributeName: “PEC“,
  attributeValue: [“RT 201“, “RT 202”],
  showMapPopup: true
|2|PEC|RT 201|RT 202
url encoded =>
json | string
Zoom level The initial zoom level of the map. (api doc) map: {
 zoom: 5.3456
- number

JMap NG App

The following table presents the list of JMap NG App’s startup options:

Option Description JavaScript Example URL Parameter Example Value
Div container id You can choose the div where the application (and the map) will be rendered in your page. (api doc) application: {
 containerId: “my-app“,
- string
Disable panels Will disable (and hide) the specified panels. (api doc) application: {
 disabledPanels: [ “print“, “mapcontext“ ],
Array | string
Extensions You can provide your own application extensions . See the examples section for details. (api doc) application: {
  extensions: [
- json / javascript
Login screen background image You can set a custom background image for the login screen by setting an image url. This image will be displayed to the left of the JMap NG login form. (api doc) application: {
 loginBackgroundImageUrl: “http://my-server/my-image“,
- string
Logo image You can set a custom logo image by setting an image url. The logo will be displayed above the JMap NG login form. (api doc) application: {
  logoImageUrl: “http://my-server/my-image“,
- string
App loaded callback You can provide JS code that will be executed when the app is ready. (api doc) application: {
  onAppLoad: () => console.log(“App is loaded“),
- javascript function() => void
App unloaded callback You can provide JS code that will be executed when the app is unloaded. (api doc) application: {
  onAppUnload: () => console.log(“App is not loaded anymore“),
- javascript function() => void
Display a panel Will show the specified panel at startup. (api doc) application: {
 panel: “query“,
layer” | “selection” | “measure” | “mapcontext”| “print” | “user” | “query” | “annotation” | “geometry”
Project list background image You can set a custom background image for the project list screen by setting an image url. This image will be displayed to the left of the project list. (api doc) application: {
 projectBackgroundImageUrl: “http://my-server/my-image“,
- string
Initial side panel visibility Controls side panel initial visibility. (api doc) application: {
 sidePanelInitialVisibility: false,
true | false
Theme Will set the theme, dark or light. (api doc) application: {
  theme: “light“,
ngTheme=light light | dark

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