
Performing Searches

Table of contents

  1. The Search panel
  2. Performing a search
  3. The search results
    1. Data table

Searches allow you to select elements from a layer using the attribute values of these elements. Once you have performed a search, you can review the attribute values of the selected elements and export the information to various formats.

Searches or queries performed in the application are found in the Search panel.

To perform a search, you must start by making the layer you are interested in selectable. Refer to Making layer elements selectable for the steps to do this.

The Search panel

The Search panel contains the searches that are available in the application.

  1. Click on img to open the Search panel. The icon changes color img.


    Groups of queries appear in the panel as cards. Groups can be open, displaying the queries, or closed, displaying only the name of the group.

  2. In the card of a group, click on img to open the group and display the searches it contains.

  3. Click on img to close the group of queries.

To perform a search:

  1. Click on the search you are interested in to open the form in which the search terms can be entered.

  2. Click on Back to close the search form and return to the Search panel.

  3. Fill out the search form by selecting values in the drop-down lists or entering values in the text fields.

    In the drop-down lists, you can speed up the search for the values you want by partially typing them in the filter field. The list only displays the values containing the characters you entered in the field. You must select the value by clicking on it.


  4. Click on Search to launch your search. The search results will be displayed. The following section describes the tools that allow you to work with the search results.

The search results

A search selects the layer elements whose attribute values match the terms you entered in the form. Several tools allow you to work with these elements.

The elements selected as search results will remain selected until they are unselected or until their layer is no longer selectable.


1 The selected map objects or elements are indicated in yellow on the map.
If you click on an element, it remains selected and the other elements are unselected.
2 Interactive selection tools are displayed in the panel. Refer to Interactive selection tools for a description of each tool. You can use them to select objects in the map.
When you select objects in the map, the objects selected by the search are unselected.
3 This legend indicates the number of selected elements and the number of layers to which they belong.
4 The name of each layer with the number of selected elements is also displayed.
5 Several tools allow you to work with the selected elements:
1. Click on img to modify the selected elements. Refers to the section Editing Data for details about this topic.
2. Click on img to open a selection information report in a new tab in your browser. Refers to the section Information Reports for details about this topic.
3. Click on img to place all of the selected elements in the center of the map. The scale will change, and it is possible that the layer will no longer be visible.
4. Click on img to open a table displaying the attribute data of the selected elements. The icon will darken. The Data table section presents the details of this table.
5. Click on img to close the data table.
6. Click on img to download an Excel file containing the attributes of all selected elements.
7. Click on img to unselect all of the elements.
6 For each selected element, a card displays the attribute values:
1. Use the mouse pointer to slide down the list of cards and browse it. There is one card for each selected element.
2. Click on an element’s card to place that element in the center of the map.
3. Click on img to return to the previous view of the map. Click on img to expand the card and display all of its attributes.
4. Click on img to minimize the card.
5. Click on img to edit the element. Refers to the section Editing Data for details about this topic.
6. Click on img to open the element information report. Refers to the section Information Reports for details about this topic.
7. Click on img to unselect the element. The other elements remain selected.
7 Instructions to help you select elements on the map. If you use the method described here, the elements selected using the search form will be unselected.

Data table

The data table displays the attribute values of the selected elements in tabular form. The elements are listed in the tables lines, and their attributes are shown in the columns.


  1. Click on img to close the table. The elements remain selected.

  2. Click on img to open the table on a new tab. The table disappears from the tab in which the map is displayed.

  3. Click on your browser’s back button to return to the table displayed with the map.

You can sort the elements based on the values of a given attribute:

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the header of the column corresponding to the attribute you want to use to sort the data. An arrow img displays next to the name of the attribute.

  2. Click on the arrow img to enable sorting. The arrow darkens img and the elements are sorted in ascending order, based on their value for that attribute.

  3. Click again to change the order. The arrow changes to img and the elements are sorted in descending order.

You can also use the table to navigate between the selected elements:

  1. Click on the line of an element in the table. That element is placed in the center of the map.

  2. Click on img to return to the previous view.